Friday, November 23, 2007

The conclusion of the Twelve Days of Thanksgiving....

November 22 was yesterday…It was the closing day of my Twelve Days of Thanksgiving…

I was unable to post last night as I arrived home from work at 12:30 AM. I’m not one of those people who must stay up for hours when they come home from second shift. I am in the bed no later than 1 AM, most of the time it’s 12:45 AM when I climb in beside my snoozing partner.

However, my thoughts last night were on my faith. My first night back at work after a 10 day vacation…and we have three call ins for third shift. First day of my work week, it’s my primary; I am the one who will be hit for overtime. I simply despise OT. I was reminded from inside to not get worked up over the thought, to pray and leave it in God’s hands. So, I did. No worries, I just did my job and prayed each time OT thoughts surfaced. End result: the OT worked itself out and they didn’t keep anyone. So, driving home remembering to thank my most awesome scheduler, I got to thinking about how much I leave in His capable hands and how I can trust His ways. I thought about the sense of peace I can have when I do allow Him to coordinate things even if they don’t come out the way I want them, too.

Craig and Becky’s situation at the hospital…yep, I was praying over many issues that night…and it allowed me to remain calm. “Peace I leave with you…”

I find myself disabling my serenity quite often, over different situations. The resolving factor is always prayer. It’s not any different from our parent / child relationships. We take care of them, providing, assisting and protecting…we would hate it if they looked at us with worried eyes and questioned our ability to do these things. We want them to rest in knowing we’ve got it covered. If they are worried we want to reassure them, it’s all good…Mommy has it under control.

My faith has taught me that about God. One of my favorite verses from the Bible is found in Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. “Be careful for nothing (said another way…don’t worry bout it); but in everything by prayer and supplication (communicating through prayer and asking for what you need, want, for help, etc) with thanksgiving (being thankful in every situation) let your requests be made known to God…and the peace of God, which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
It can’t be said any plainer. Don’t worry, pray instead, be thankful for what you have going on, trust God with your thoughts and desires and you will have peace.

Prayer is like worry with legs on it…

And so last night, I wanted to post that I was thankful for my faith…the ability to climb up into my heavenly Father’s lap and talk to Him about being scared, hopeful, thankful, etc…and experience the peace that comes as He lays His hand on my head, stroking my hair, whispering to me, “It’s okay, my child, I’ve got this under control. Rest here on my lap. Breath…”

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