In it's entirity it reads: Your efforts will be crowned with success if you trust the Lord completely; never trust yourself. In everything you do put God first.
Proverbs 3 Living Bible Version
We Have This Treasure in Earthen Vessels
In it's entirity it reads: Your efforts will be crowned with success if you trust the Lord completely; never trust yourself. In everything you do put God first.
Proverbs 3 Living Bible Version
Emily after a run around town...she loved checking out Subway!
My friend Jessica and her daughter. We met 15 years ago (?) through church.
Doughnut seeds are a vital ingredient with little ones.
Tonight Ariel is going to help me wrap presents...decorate the tree and possible complete the assembly of my Christmas cards...I'll post a photo addendum after that...
___________________________________________________________________And here it is...with this little Christmas Angel's help...the big PA and the Jolly Green Giant...I was able to see many things to completion...Thanks, you guys!
Monday, November 19th, 2007---Day 9 of the Twelve Days of Thanksgiving
On this day, Emily was born. I watched my son take on the role of husband / father and play it well. I applaud him. Becky went through more than just delivery by cesarean. So did Craig, but Becky did not have the support of a few that she should have had support from. I watched Becky take on so much that I am not even permitted to share. On her special day, she had to deal with issues that she should not have had to face….ever. I watched her be brave and strong. She did not melt down and allow herself to be consumed by the turn of events. She has awesome coping skills. She is able to put it on the back burner and tell herself she can deal with it at a more appropriate time. Her daughter will learn to be a strong woman from her. Emily will learn to be loving and compassionate from her. I believe she will learn to weigh what is important and act appropriately. So, on that day, I was thankful for strong women, namely Becky. I’m thankful that Emily will be raised by a strong woman who does her best to do right. I am also thankful for other strong women who have already endured about the same as Becky did that day. You know who you are as you read this posting. Thankful that your example speaks to so many younger strong women. An example that shows them, doing the right thing, dealing with the situation in a way that looks out for the best for your own family unit, pays off. How your husband and your children come first before any others. How you are admired and appreciated.
I’m thankful for my strong daughters.. I am surrounded by strong women…and I’m so thankful!
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007---Day 10 of the Twelve Days of Thanksgiving
Today I am thankful for my husband. Thankful that he continues to grow as an individual, a husband, a father and grandfather, etc. May he never say, “I’ve lived long enough I can think and do what I want.” I have heard older people make statements like that. But Papa grows…sometimes he fights it…but he grows. I’m proud of him as I see him hugging his son in the hospital, holding his newest grandchild and talking sweet and loving to her. I’m thankful he doesn’t live in the past allowing the present and the future to slip away. He accepts challenges even those within himself. And I’m thankful for him…for the many years we have shared and are going to share.