Monday, June 16, 2008

And now a break from my studies...

Why am I posting this? I am exhausted from studying for my Math exam...I just want to be a part of your world, too...

So, I'm sharing something my aunt sent in an email.

TYPE IN a command under the dog and see what happens... sit, roll over, down, stand, sing, dance, shake, beg, fetch, play dead, etc, and...
it's also very cute if you type in a command that's not recognized...!!

Make sure you type in 'Kiss', too, but do it last!!!
It's kinda sad to close the window after he plays with you...such an obedient fellow...
he deserves a treat!

1 comment:

Jan Ross said...

That is so cute!! I'll have to add it to one of my Friday lists of sites. Thanks!