Friday, May 1, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers

"Dark Eyes" My lastest treasure
I found my Fuchsia - Dark Eyes at the Farmer's Market last Saturday. Simply fell in love with it. I walked by the table first, glanced at her and said to Connie, "We are going to stop back at this table." (Love at first site...) She just stunning to me.
The flower reminds me of an icing decoration for a snazzy bakery cake. If you were to turn it upside down...She hangs on my porch by my front door and blesses me each time I go in and out.
I hate that it's taken a week to get it up to share.
If you click on the photo you should get the actual size...and OMG!!!! She is sooooo elegant! I even caught a few bugs on this shot...I always like to catch a bug and flower together. :O)


Fancy said...

These are beautiful!


Lorien said...

I had no idea fuchsia lives in Kentucky! I'd never seen them until I came to Bolivia. I was walking through a flower fair in September when I came across a fuchsia plant. We planted it in the front yard by a gardenia bush, and it seems to bloom perpetually.

They're so lovely! That's at least very nearly the exact same type we have here!